Event II: Art Party
After attending the Art party in the Merlot house, I got to see some of the Life Drawing class’ work. Walking around I saw all of the student’s homework assignments. A friend of mine, Lucy Fanto is currently in that class and noted that the class provides an amazing new perspective in art. “Chris is the most experienced knowledgeable art teacher I have had here, with all the courses available this one seemed like the best fit for my intended major of painting.” She noted that the most challenging part of the course is making sure that the homework is up to par with the rest of her projects. She noted that setting aside time for this homework specially is extremely important so she can actually put her full effort in. I was pleasantly surprised to see a familiar face; a student had painted a portrait of a beauty blogger that I have been watching for years by the name of Desi Perkins. It was cool to see her pull inspiration from a makeup artist. Desi Perkins had created a Halloween ...