
Showing posts from October, 2017

Intermixing like a Smorgasbord

Postmodernism is a big melting pot, similar to America. Where you can find different cultures, beliefs, ideologies all wrapped up into one. After the first reading the introduction was very clear except for the introduction to Mr. Jean Baudrillard; but the next reading is all about him so that should help. The comparison between hyperreality and Disney World seems a bit dramatic? Why are they putting such a focus on this topic? I understand that Disney provides America with a sort of "Dream Land", but this article puts a negative twist on it for a place that people go to action and get away from their everyday realities.

Am I Colorblind?

Color mutants are among us-- women may have a spare set of x chromosomes can utilize the extra set to create a new yellow cone to create 1000s of new colors. You can look in a DNA test, you can see the gene for the 4th cone. When testing the woman, the showed 2 yellow lights that look the same to us but the lady with the extra chromosome didn't see a difference. But, rarely one of the woman could utilize the extra gene and saw two different colors. So naturally, even I thought twice... was this real, a tetracromat. After hearing about the lady, and the tests in the park it reminded me of when we stared at the white paper in the whitescape video... how we described what we originally labeled white as "a  blue toned white" and the woman did the same thing with the colors presented to her. This whole podcast made me come to the realization that I am color blind in a sense. No, not to the ROYGBIV rainbow but I am to ultraviolet and anything before and after our rainbow... I a...


1. Find a white object and place it next to another white object. Compare how the two colors change. I chose the white platform at the bottom of my shoes compared to a white piece of crumpled printer paper. At first, they both appeared "white" but after staring for a while one obviously became duller and softer looking while the piece of paper was more vibrant and bright. 2. Describe the difference in color After further examination, the platforms have more of a warm vanilla tinge while the paper is a cool toned bright white. 3. Change the lighting and take note of how the colors change To change the color I simply put on my iPhone flashlight. The colors appear "purer" if that makes any sense, it may just be my eyes but the whites are both at their purest form. For the shoe i just see how the thin layer of dander and dirt have caused a tinge of warmness and on the paper the light reflected more blue toned to my eyes.


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